Palacio - Privacy Policy

The information we collect and obtain is essentially grouped into two basic categories:

Information you give us

We collect information that you have willingly chosen to give us - such as your name and phone number for creating your account.

Additionally, any content you share using our app will be considered as information that you are providing to us. And that information is not only for us, but whomsoever views it, and who could possibly share the content outside of the app. Therefore, please be mindful in that you share only the content that you are comfortable with sharing.

Information we collect when you use our services

When you use Palacio, we gather and store information about which services you have used and how you have used them, this is so we can constantly improve the Palacio experience. We use the following type of information to do so:

Usage Information

We collect information about your activity through our services, such as how, when or for what you are using our service.

Content Information

We assess the content you create on our platform, as this allows us in our research to help customize Palacio to be an even better platform for you. It is also done to prevent abuse.

Revisions Of Policy

We may change this privacy policy from time to time, and will do our best to inform you of any instrumental changes that could impact the way you use the app.